When charged with homicide, it can be an incredibly overwhelming and life-altering experience. As such, it’s imperative to take all necessary steps to protect yourself during these times. If you are facing a homicide charge in Georgia, understanding what defenses you may be able to use is critical. The following blog explores the potential penalties you can face and why connecting with a Cobb County violent crimes lawyer is essential to provide you with the best opportunity to maintain your freedom.
What Are the Penalties for a Homicide Charge in Georgia?
Homicide is a broad term used to describe any instance in which someone kills another person. In Georgia, homicide is only divided into two categories – murder and manslaughter.
Murder is not divided into different degrees like you may find in other states. As such, anyone who is found guilty of intentionally killing another person, acting with depraved disregard for human life, or killing someone while in the middle of committing a felony will be charged with murder. The minimum sentence for this offense is life in prison, but you may also face the death penalty depending on the circumstances surrounding your charges.
However, you may also face manslaughter charges. This can be involuntary or voluntary. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when someone intentionally kills another person while under a “violent passion,” like a spouse killing their partner if they find them cheating on them. This warrants one to twenty years in prison. Involuntary manslaughter occurs when someone unintentionally causes the death of another person, with a maximum penalty of ten years in prison.
What Defenses Might I Be Able To Use?
If charged with a homicide offense, your future, freedom, and possibly your life, are on the line. As such, you must work with an experienced criminal defense attorney to explore your legal options and potential defenses.
One defense many rely on is that they were acting in self-defense. Georgia is a Stand Your Ground state, meaning those faced with a threat are allowed to use force to subdue the threat and protect themselves and their property. You may be able to prove that you were faced with a threat and took action to protect yourself.
Additionally, you may be able to work with an attorney to provide a strong alibi as to why you are not the perpetrator of the offense you are charged with. For example, if you were falsely identified, gathering evidence to show you were not in the area to commit the crime can help you avoid charges.
At the Miller Law Practice, we understand how overwhelming these matters can be. As such, our dedicated legal team will do everything possible to assist you through these complex matters. Connect with us today to discuss the circumstances of our case and learn how we can fight for you.