If you’re looking for CBD oil in Georgia, chances are you’ve run into some issues. The laws for obtaining medical marijuana in Georgia are tricky, with only slight loopholes that can help those in need obtain it. While medical marijuana is legal in Georgia for qualifying patients, only oils with less than 5% THC qualify for those seeking the substance for prescribed ailments.

To get a better understanding, let’s first break down the difference between CBD and THC legality in Georgia.


CBD is short for cannabidiol, a natural compound found in the cannabis flower. CBD has a long-standing history of treating medical issues. This includes treatment for depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and has recently become a major breakthrough in the treatment of epilepsy.

THC (a.k.a tetrahydrocannabinol) is another compound in the cannabis plant. The THC is what causes the “high” that recreational marijuana users are familiar with. While THC does have therapeutic attributes, it’s this “intoxication” factor that has dubbed the use of marijuana illegal in the state of Georgia.

Is CBD Oil Legal in Georgia?

In short—yes. CBD oil is a medical fixture that takes out some of the THC in cannabis so that the user is not left intoxicated after using it for medical reasons. In order to get this medical marijuana in Georgia, patients must first qualify for a medical card. Users must be diagnosed with one of the following conditions by their physicians:

Qualified Medical Conditions: 

  • Cancer
  • ALS
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Mitochondrial disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Tourette’s syndrome
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • AIDS
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Intractable pain
  • PTSD

The use of CBD (hemp) oils to treat any of these conditions is 100% legal in Georgia. Once diagnosed, patients will receive a valid medical card. This card allows for patients to obtain CBD oil that contains no more than 5% THC, or “low THC” oil.

Getting your hands on medical marijuana in Georgia is a whole other story. While the law allows for the use of cannabis oil, the purchasing, selling, or shipment of this substance is still illegal in the state of Georgia.

How to Get Medical Marijuana in Georgia

Although it is legal for those with a valid medical card to be in possession of medical marijuana, the trouble is in purchasing it. Because patients cannot purchase CBD oil within the state, many have to seek this purchase from online retailers. The problem with this is that most online retailers sell oil that contains only 0.3% THC. And while this falls under the “low THC” rule within Georgia’s law, this oil will be less potent than what may be required for patients’ issues.

Although hemp oil is legal in 30 states, it is also unlawful to travel across state borders to get medical marijuana. Even with a valid medical card from Georgia, patients won’t be able to use it in neighboring states. Because of this, most people opt to buy their hemp oils from online retailers— even though a valid medical card isn’t required for this purchase. But considering the possession of medical marijuana in Georgia is illegal without this card, it is recommended that users have this card on hand. The card itself costs $25 after a physician has properly diagnosed and prescribed patients for use of medical marijuana.

If you have more questions about CBD and THC laws in Georgia, contact me.