Credit card theft happens more often than many people realize. In Georgia, credit card theft is taken seriously and carries heavy penalties. Read on to learn more about credit card fraud in Georgia and what to do if you are facing charges.
Types of Credit Card Fraud
In Georgia, there are three main types of fraud. This includes financial transaction card theft, forgery of a financial transaction card, and financial transaction card fraud:
Financial Transaction Card Theft
This refers to the act of:
- Taking a credit or debit card from the cardholder without their consent
- Knowingly possessing a stolen credit or debit card without the owners’ consent with the intent to use or sell it
- Knowingly possessing a credit or debit card that has been lost or misdelivered with the intent to use or sell it
- Buying a lost, stolen, or forged credit or debit card
- Possessing two or more lost, stolen, or forged cards within one year
Forgery of a Financial Transaction Card
This refers to the act of:
- Creating a false credit or debit card with the intent to use or sell it
- Falsely encoding a credit or debit card with the intent to use or sell it
Financial Transaction Card Fraud
This refers to the act of:
- Knowingly using a credit or debit card without permission with the intent to defraud
- Business owners and employees who knowingly accept fraudulent credit or debit cards, or falsify a credit card receipt
Penalties for Credit Card Fraud
If you are charged with credit card fraud, depending on the crime, you may face the following consequences:
Financial Transaction Card Theft: This is a felony. This crime may be punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and 1-3 years in prison
Forgery of a Financial Transaction Card: This is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and 1-3 years in prison
Financial Transaction Card Fraud: This is also a felony, but the charges you face will depend upon the amount that has been stolen.
If you are facing charges for credit card fraud, you will need the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our firm is here to help. We will advocate for you every step of the way and explore all possible avenues of defense. Reach out today to discuss your case.
Contact Our Experienced Firm
We at the Miller Law Practice understand that people make mistakes. We are here to fight for you throughout all of your criminal law matters. Do not hesitate to contact our firm today and speak with an experienced and dedicated criminal defense attorney.